10 Things To Know About Pecha Kucha
Introduction to Pecha Kucha
Are you fond of storytelling? More precisely, are you good at storytelling with a presentation that contains only pictures? Oh, from pictures, I remember we call this Pecha Kucha. It is a type of PowerPoint presentation and is denoted as P-K. Creativity has no limits, and it is also a form of creativity. P-K technique of presentation was firstly employed in architecture. Nowadays, we can see it in the higher education sector as well.
A Pecha Kucha presentation uses images and efficient spoken words to create a seamless, memorable, meaningful and presentation.
What is 20×20 in Pecha Kucha?
According to the dissertation writing services firm, each Pecha Kucha speaker has a deck of 20 slides to present (or images). After 20 seconds on screen, each of these slides will automatically move to the next one. This is why Pecha Kucha is commonly referred to as 20×20. There will be a total time of 7 minutes to explain all the images. This also explains the fact that why Pecha Kucha consists of only visuals, not words. Slides with a lot of text would take much longer to explain than the allotted 20 seconds.
Hence, in order to deliver information in a shorter period, P-K is the best technique a presenter can employ. In simple words, we can say it’s a whole new world.
10 Things to Know
Although it looks very simple to make a presentation containing 20 slides of images only, it is not that simple. You have to follow some rules and regulations to develop it. The important things to know about P-K are;
1. Choose a Simple Topic
Remember, in this world; not everything is simple enough to be explained in less than 7 minutes. By nature, presenters get tempted with complicated topics. But the presenter should also notice that such topics require many facts to explain. So, to be able to explain all the things in 7 minutes, you need to choose a simple topic. If you are unable to choose a simple topic, you can simplify the complicated one. After all, you have to meet the time limit as well.
2. Start With an Outline
As it is clear now that P-K presentations are far different from the conventional ones. It would be best if you started with an outline called a structure of your story. One great method to outline is the use of cards.
For example, Charles Greene III used to call outline an “analogue”. He uses 3×5 inches cards to note down his main ideas—one idea per one card. Thus each card presents an idea of one potential slide. And under each main idea, he uses three quick sentences to explain the central idea.
3. Tweak Your Outline
It’s time to arrange the content of your outline. You should delete everything that isn’t necessary. You might wish to merge some portions of the outline into one slide or separate as needed. It would help if you also considered your audience in all you do. You must include what they want to hear rather than what you want to express.
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4. Make Your Slides
After following the above steps, you are ready to import your outline into PowerPoint or another program. PowerPoint can import outlines to create slides. In contrast, you can also build slides from the text content in PowerPoint instead of importing your outline.
5. Add Pictures
Pictures are a crucial part of P-K presentations. It won’t be wrong if I say pictures act as the backbone of the Pecha Kucha. The most successful Pecha Kuchas utilise very little text, if any at all. Don’t insert pictures blindly. Only add those pictures which are relevant to your presentation and have a meaning. In a P-K, there should be pictures, pictures and pictures.
6. Practice
The CEO of cheap dissertation writing services firm said that now, when you are done with the presentation. It’s almost time to practice. The limitation of time is the biggest challenge in a Pecha Kucha. Explain as little information as you can. But the information should be relevant. Relevancy of the content and pictures to the chosen topic is the most important part of P-K.
7. To Animate the Presentation or Not
Animation is any movement in your slides. You can decide that whether you want to animate your slides or not. One thing that is worthy to note here is that animations sometimes distract the audience. Once distracted, it will be hard for the audience to focus again in just a period of 20 seconds. That’s why it is up to you to decide whether the animation will add value to your ppt or not.
8. Practice Again
If you have decided to add transitions to your slides, then practice again. This time it will require more practice than the usual one. Having less than 7 minutes and transitions included, it will be hard to explain all the facts. Hence, it would help if you practised more.
9. Love Your Audience
Be human with your audience. It’s easy to forget to talk to the audience when you’re so focused on the mechanics of your presentation and your presence. Make eye contact, talk to each other, be warm, and be human. If you do so, it’s one of the more personal presentation approaches. I discussed it in the earlier portion of this article too. It would be best if you made your presentation considering your audience. It is because the people in front of you will decide whether it’s a good presentation or not.
10. Everything Else
I have already talked about the importance of practicing. But you should also make use of your free flow as well. The ideas should flow freely from your mouth.
In the end, I would say it is almost impossible to describe all the things about a picture in 20 seconds. But with practice, it is possible, and even you can deliver more effectively. I hope the tips explained above will help you in developing a very good Pecha Kucha.